
Spirito d’Impresa, the special on TvA

In order to realize an enterprise, it takes courage, consistency and passion, but above all it’s necessary to treasure the experience of those who didn’t make it.

The exploration is an act of faith and recklessness, to reach the aim it’s necessary to have faith in yourself, but also accept the possibility of failing.

We are not all Antonio Pigafetta, sometimes the life’s storms lead us off the trail, but the important thing if to have our own trail, without imitating someone else.

The adventure continues…

Spirito d’Impresa, the special on TvA

The third edition of Spirito d’Impresa, whose protagonists were the Vice president of Confindustria Giovanni Dolcetta, the songwriter Madame, the digital philosopher Rick DuFer, the CEO of Inglesina Baby S.p.a. Luca Tomasi and the CEO of Zorzan Srl sb Maurizio Zordan, ends with a reflection and with an anthem to the authentic relationships.

Let’s relive this night’s emotions with the special TV by Emanuele Borsatto in TvA Vicenza.