30 minutes around the Distillery

What to do in the surroundings
of the Poli Distillery and
the Poli Grappa Museums

The Poli Distillery is located
in the heart of Veneto,
in the middle of Pedemontana
Veneta, a natural amphitheatre
rich in charm, history
and culture.

After visiting the Poli Distillery,
the Poli family is glad
to recommend the visitors
some special places to see
to fulfil your experience
in Veneto.

Select the points of interest you want to see on the map:

How to reach the places of interest

The points of interest cover
a 30 km distance: we suggest
the visitors to travel by car
for the long transfers
(for example: from the Distillery
to Bassano del Grappa downtown),
or by bicycle for the short
transfers (for example: from the
Distillery to Marostica downtown).

5 + 1 reasons to visit our land Book your visit