Poli Distillery to be an anchor point within ERIH
The European Route of Industrial Heritage goes through Schiavon
ERIH (European Route of Industrial Heritage) is meant to promote those places in Europe where archeological industrial sites can be visited, boosting this way the tourism connected to companies.
More than 1.000 sites, located in 44 european countries belong to ERIH: the choice is between 13 themed trails (textile, iron and steel, mines…) and 17 regional trails allowing the visitor to discover those sites which have left their mark in the industrial history of Europe.
The 80 Anchor Point are part of the main virtual themed trail.
Three are the anchor points chosen in Italy, and the Poli distillery and Poli Grappa Museum in Schiavon are among them.
The target achieved is not only an important one but also part of the distillation itself: spreading culture and knowledge.