
18th "Prima del Torcolato" festival in nearby Breganze

Last sunday the 20th of january 2013, despite a heavy rain hitting the nearby town of Breganze since the very early hours of dawn, local Torcolato wine-makers were able to achieve their goal for this 18th edition of the "Prima del Torcolato": creating the longest "passito" Torcolato-grape plait ever !

The 40-metre-plait was later hung on the church's bell tower, the second highest in Veneto, and the festival carried on with more interesting shows: participants had to vote the cheese matching the unforgettable scent and taste of Torcolato the best, the first Torcolato wine for the season was eventually pressed and the sweet must offered to the visitors gathered on Breganze's market square.

The first bottles of Torcolato Vintage 2012 will be available for sale as late as january 2015.


 18th  Prima del Torcolato  festival in nearby Breganze